Published Work
Papers Published in Taiwan
- 構繪台灣島上各時各地短波互相通信最高可用頻率預報圖之研究, 黃胤年, 電工季刊 5卷 1期 第10頁 (1962)
- 臺北E層臨界週率之變化及其預報, 黃胤年, 工程月刊 35卷 5期 第47頁 (1962)
- 台北 (M3,000) F2之變化及其預報, 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 5卷 4期 第33頁 (1962)
- On the asymmetrical geomagnetic activity following large solar flares on the northern and the southern hemisphere of the Sun, Yinn-Nien Huang and Hong-Yung Lee, Radio Wave Research Laboratories Report, P. 1 (1964)
- 西太平洋地區 Es 層之變化, 黃胤年, 電工 8卷 1期 第 1頁 (1965)
- 地磁觀測法(一), 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 8卷 1期 第 1頁 (1965)
- 地磁觀測法(二), 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 8卷 2期 第 1頁(1965)
- 崙坪地磁變化之研究, 黃胤年, 工程月刊39卷 9期 第31頁 (1966)
- Occurrence of Es over Taipei, Yinn-Nien Huang, Science Bulletin, National Chiau-Tung Univ., Vol. 1, No. 2 (1966)
- 太陽黑子與短波通信, 黃胤年, 交通部電波研究所參考書 第二冊 (1966)
- 雜音指數與雜音產生器, 林俊宏、黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 第九卷 第四期 第13頁 (1966)
- 介紹交通部電波研究所崙坪觀測臺之觀測及研究工作, 黃胤年, 交通建設 17卷 12期 第 1頁 (1968)
- 台北電離層暴之研究, 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 12卷 2期 第 1頁 (1969)
- 台灣地區大氣無線電雜訊之變化特性, 黃胤年、陳富夫、林合雲, 台灣電信技術季刊 12卷 3期 第 1頁 (1969)
- 地電流觀測儀之設計及製造, 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 12卷 4期 第 9頁 (1969)
- 臺北人造衛星可視範圍之計算, 黃胤年, 工程月刊 42卷 9期 第16頁 (1969)
- 裝設地磁微脈動觀測儀之研究, 葉忠耀、 黃胤年, 交通部電信總局五十八年度研究發展年報 第81頁
- 裝設12,000兆週太陽雜訊觀測儀之研究, 黃胤年, 交通部電信總局五十八年度研究發展年報 第84頁
- 赤道區電離層導電率之研究, 黃胤年, 交通部電信總局五十八年度研究發展年報 第150頁
- 崙坪觀測台太陽黑子相對數及K因素之分析, 謝德郎、黃胤年, 氣象學報 15卷 4期 第 1頁 (1969)
- 臺灣地區中頻廣播電臺之服務地區及干擾地區之估計, 黃胤年, 工程月刊43卷 1、2期第 1頁 (1970)
- 臺北電離層 F2 層之變化特性, 黃胤年, 工程月刊43卷 3期第 4頁 (1970)
- Phase variations in the transequatorial VLF propagation, Yinn-Nien Huang, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 8, No. 2 P. 48 (1970)
- Anomalous ionospheric disturbance variations in the equatorial crest zone, Yinn-Nien Huang, Bulletin of the Institute of Geophysics, National Central Univ., No. 7, P. 1 (1970)
- Geomagnetic variations at Lunping, Taiwan, Yinn-Nien Huang, IBID, No. 8, P. 1 (1970)
- 臺灣電離層 Es 層之變化特性及其形成理論之研究, 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 13卷 3期 第 1頁 (1970)
- 利用電離層對雷萊氏地震波之動態反應以求長週期雷萊氏地震波之分散曲線, 黃胤年, 電工季刊 18卷 2期 第 9頁 (1974)
- 中緯度電離層吸收之研究, 黃胤年、鄭伯順, 台灣電信技術季刊 18卷 3期 第27頁 (1975)
- 利用同步衛星標識訊號以觀測電離層全電子密度及電離層閃爍之研究, 黃胤年, 台灣電信技術季刊 19卷 2期 第40頁 (1976)
- Ionospheric variations at Taiwan associated with geomagnetic storms of March 26, April 1, and May 2, 1976, Yinn-Nien Huang, Technical Report, Telecommunication Laboratory, Vol. 6, No. 4, P. 45 (1976)
- Sun-weather relationships in Taiwan, Yinn-Nien Huang, Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 4, P. 22 (1977)
- An estimation of possible error in ionospheric total electron content measurements caused by the non-zero inclination of geostationary satellites,Yinn-Nien Huang, Proceedings of the National Science Council, Vol. 1, No. 11, P. 22 (1977)
- 交通部電信研究所崙坪觀測台地磁觀測數據精確度之估計, 黃胤年, 交通部電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第 7卷, 第 1、2期, 第 1頁 (1977)
- 交通部電信研究所崙坪觀測台質子地磁觀測儀觀測精確度之估計, 黃胤年、陳盛文, 交通部電信研究所報告彙編, 第 7卷, 第 3、4期, 第 1頁 (1977)
- 閃電計次器之研製, 黃胤年、陳盛文、陳英, 中央氣象局氣象學報, 第23卷, 第 3期, 第 1頁 (1977)
- 衛星通信用 4秭赫電波閃爍現象之觀測與分析, 黃胤年、鄭伯順、鄧元正、朱筆岫、魏倫常, 台灣電信技術季刊, 第21卷, 第 1期, 第44頁 (1978)
- 計算法拉第因數MF用電算機程式之發展, 黃胤年, 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第 8卷,第 1、2期, 第 1頁 (1978)
- Ionospheric scintillations at Lunping,Yinn-Nien Huang, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 1, No. 2, P. 1 (1978)
- 台灣地區由於降雨而引起之微波衰減量之估計, 黃胤年、鄭伯順, 台灣電信技術季刊, 第22卷, 第 1期, 第14頁 (1979)
- Quasi-biennial variations of the ionospheric total electron content, Yinn-Nien Huang, Proceedings of the National Science Council, Vol. 4, No. 1, P. 17 (1980)
- Some results of ionospheric total electron content and scintillation observations at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第11卷, 第 1期, 第87頁 (1981)
- On the spatial correlation of the total electron content at pairs of subionospheric points located at the crest zone of the equatorial anomaly, Yinn-Nien Huang, 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第11卷, 第 2期, 第179頁 (1981)
- Influence of the Mt. St. Helens eruption on the ionospheric total electron content at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第11卷, 第 2期, 第189頁 (1981)
- 杜卜勒電離層即時觀測儀之研製, 黃胤年、陳盛文、江長晉, 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第11卷, 第 3期, 第257頁 (1981)
- 崙坪電離層厚度之一些初步研究成果, 黃胤年, 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第12卷, 第 3期, 第393頁 (1982)
- 高山離島偏僻地區電信機房利用風力發電之研究, 黃胤年、陳盛文、鄭康、江長晉、高訓銘, 交通部電信總局七十一年度研究發展年報(下冊), 第828頁 (1982)
- 電離層赤道異常頂峰地區內兩地點間電離層全電子含量空間相關性之進一步研究, 黃胤年, 電信研究所研究報告彙編, 第13卷, 第 2期, 第197頁 (1983)
- 光纖維製造法及交通部電信研究所獨立開發製造技術之情形, 黃胤年, 科學工業園區雙月刊, 第11期, 第14頁 (1983)
- 光通訊發展現況與未來展望, 黃胤年、蔡聰明, 工程, 57卷 10期 第 6頁 (1984)
- 光纖通信, 黃胤年,無線電技術季刊, 第24卷, 第 1期, 第 5頁 (1985)
- Fabrication of single mode optical fibers, Yinn-Nien Huang and Spring Z. Yang, 1985年電信工程研討會論文集, 第35頁 (1985)
- Observations of latitudinal variations of ionospheric total electron content at equatorial anomaly crest by means of differential doppler shift method,Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng and Sen-Wen Chen, 1985年電信工程研討會論文集, 第253頁 (1985)
- 實測日本電視直播衛星DBS-2A之電波強度在臺灣島上之分佈情形, 黃胤年、陳盛文、高訓銘,1985年電信工程研討會論文集, 第279頁 (1985)
- Fabrication of matched cladding and depressed cladding single mode optical fibers, Yinn-Nien Huang and Spring-Zu Yang, 中國工程學刊,第 9卷,第 6期,第641頁 (1986)
- 台灣島及其附近島嶼上之風能估計, 黃胤年, 工程, 第23頁 (1987)
- On the automation of geomagnetic observations at Lunping geomagnetic observatory, Yinn-Nien Huang, 電工雙月刊, 第30卷, 第 6期, 第413頁 (1987)
- Geomagnetic storms observed at the Lunping geomagnetic observatory, Yinn-Nien Huang and Sen-Wen Chen, Proceedings of the NSC-Part A, Vol. 12, No. 1, P. 70 (1988)
- 誤差來源與精度, 黃胤年,全球定位系統研討會專集,第229頁 (1988)
- Geomagnetic and ionospheric studies in Taiwan,Yinn-Nien Huang, 電工雙月刊, 第31卷, 第 4期, 第281頁 (1988)
- On the behaviours of the equatorial anomaly of the ionospheric total electron content near the northern anomaly crest region at low solar activity, Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng, Sen-Wen Chen, 電工雙月刊, 第32卷, 第 1期, 第45頁 (1989)
- 地磁微脈動之觀測, 黃胤年, 電工雙月刊, 第32卷, 第 4期 第279頁(1989)
- Rain induced attenuation at 12 GHz band, Yinn-Nien Huang, 電工雙月刊, 第32卷, 第 5期, 第361頁 (1989)
- 光纖區域網路之研究, 錢世明、林聖賢、黃胤年, 電信技術季刊, 第 9卷, 第 1期, 第41頁 (1989)
- 淺談太陽黑子及其對電離層之影響, 黃胤年, 無線電技術季刊, 第28卷, 第 4期, 第57頁 (1989)
- 台灣電信科技的發展, 黃胤年, 科學月刊, 第21卷, 第 1期, 第87頁 (1990)
- VHF/UHF 帶陸上行動通信電波傳播特性之預測, 柳世洋、黃胤年, 電信技術季刊, 第 9卷, 第 3期, 第 1頁 (1990)
- Solar and lunar daily geomagnetic variations at Lunping from 1966 to 1989, Yinn-Nien Huang, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, P.243 (1990)
- 高雄地區 23 GHz 微波降雨衰減量之研究, 黃胤年、魏貽瑞、黃通文、鍾國強、洪銘毅、楊春足, 電工雙月刊, 第34卷, 第 1期, 第38頁(1991)
- Solar activity dependence on lunar daily variations of the ionospheric total electron content near the equatorial anomaly crest, Yinn-Nien Huang, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, P. 347 (1991)
- Traveling ionospheric disturbances detected during the solar eclipse of 24 October 1995, Kang Cheng, Yinn-Nien Huang, Sen-Wen Chen, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 231 (1997)
Papers Published Worldwide
- The hysteresis variation of the semi-thickness of the F2-layer and its relevant phenomena at Kokubunji, Japan, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 25, P. 647 (1963)
- On the asymmetrical magnetic and ionospheric effects caused by the large sunspots which appeared on the northern and the southern hemisphere of the sun, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 26, P. 607 (1964)
- Postsunset rise of foF2 and geomagnetic activity, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 69, No. 17, P. 3633 (1964)
- Geomagnetic activity and occurrence of sporadic E in the far east, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A, Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 70, No. ,P.1187(1965)
- On the occurrence of spread-F and the geomagnetic activity over Taipei ,Taiwan, Yinn-Nien Huang and Chung-Yauw Yeh, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 32, P. 1765 (1970)
- The ionospheric effects of geomagnetic sudden commencements as measured with an HF Doppler sounder at Hawaii, Yinn-Nien Huang; Kazutoshi Najita and Paul Yuen, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 35, P. 173 (1973)
- Dst and SD variations of electron content at low latitude, Yinn-Nien Huang; K. Najita; T. H. Roelofs and P. C. Yuen, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 36, P. 9 (1974)
- Ionospheric disturbances detected over Hawaii after the 1968 french thermonuclear explosion, K. Najita; Yinn-Nien Huang and G. T. N. Fang, France, Ann. Geophys, t. 31, fasc. 2, P. 301 (1975)
- On the variation of the solar wind velocity following solar flares, Yinn-Nien Huang and Yen-Whea Lee, U.S.A, Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 80, No. 19, P. 2863 (1975)
- Solar cycle variations of the total electron content at low latitude,Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Proceedings of the Effect of Ionosphere on Space Systems and Communication, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Session 5, P. 1 (1975)
- A further study on the hysteresis variation of the F2-layer semi-thickness parameter ypF2 at Kokubunji, Japan, Yinn-Nien Huang and Bor-Shenn Jeng, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 38, P. 319 (1976)
- Modeling HF doppler effects of geomagnetic sudden commencements, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A.,Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 81, No. 1, P. 175 (1976)
- Variations of atmospheric radio noise at Ping-Cheng,Taiwan, China, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Radio Science, Vol. 12, No.2, P. 239 (1977)
- On the forenoon bite-out in the critical frequency of the F2-layer,Yinn-Nien Huang and Bor-Shenn Jeng, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 40, P. 581 (1978)
- Solar cycle variation in the total electron content at Sagamore Hill, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 40, P. 733 (1978)
- Lunar variation of total electron content at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 40, P. 1219 (1978)
- Solar cycle and seasonal variations of the solar and lunar daily variations of total electron content at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 84, No. A11, P. 6595 (1979)
- Solar and lunar daily variations of the geomagnetic field at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K.,Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., Vol. 61, P. 601 (1980)
- Some results of ionospheric total electron content and scintillation observations at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., 1981 Symposium On The “The effect of the ionosphere on radiowave systems” session II P. 1 (1981)
- Some results of ionospheric slab thickness observations at Lunping, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88, No. A7, P. 5517 (1983)
- Some results of ionospheric scintillation observations at Lunping,Yinn-Nien Huang, Japan, Jour. of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 35, P. 305 (1983)
- Spatial correlation of the ionospheric total electron content at the equatorial anomaly crest, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 89, No. A11, P. 9823 (1984)
- Ionospheric electron content depletion associated with amplitude scintillation at the equatorial anomaly crest region,Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90, No. A5, P. 4333 (1985)
- On the detection of acoustic-gravity waves generated by typhoon by use of real time HF Doppler frequency shift sounding system,Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng and Sen -Wen Chen, U.S.A., Radio Science, Vol. 20, No. 4, P. 897 (1985)
- Seasonal and solar cycle variations of spread F at the equatorial anomaly crest zone,Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng and Wen-Ter Huang, Japan, Jour. of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 39, P. 639 (1987)
- Daily observations of the development of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly by means of differential Doppler shift method, Yinn-Nien Huang; Kang Cheng and Sen-Wen Chen, U.S.A.,Radio Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, P.433 (1987)
- The design of the PINE-CAI/II system for japanese/chinese courseware development, Yinn-Nine Huang, Shyh-Ming Chien, Yeong-Tian Chen and Jia-Yu Chen, Canada, Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (Aug.- Sept,1988)
- Propagating ionospheric waves observed throughout east Asia during the WAGS October 1985 campaign, G. O. Walker; Y. W. Wong, J. H. K.Ma, T. Kikuchi, K. Nozaki, Yinn-Nien Huang, and V. Badillo U.S.A., Radio Science, Vol. 23, No.6, P.867 (1988)
- On the equatorial anomaly of the ionospheric total electron content near the northern anomaly crest region,Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng and Sen-Wen Chen, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 94, No.A10, P.13515 (1989)
- Day to day variabilities of the equatorial anomaly of the ionospheric total electron content near the northern equatorial anomaly crest during minimum solar activity, Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng and Sen-Wen Chen, Japan, Proceedings of ISAP’89 (1989)
- On the digital geomagnetic observatory at Lunping,Taiwan, Yinn-Nien Huang, Natherlands, Physics of the Earth & Planetary Interiors, 59, P. 66 (1990)
- Drift motion of ionospheric bubbles at the equatorial anomaly crest region, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 95, No. A4, P. 4297 (1990)
- Ionospheric and geomagnetic effects of the solar eclipse of 18 March 1988 in East Asia,G. O. Walker, T. Y. Y. Li, Y. W. Wong, T. Kikuchi and Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 53, No. 1/2, P. 25 (1991)
- Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances around the equatorial anomaly crest as detected by the differential Doppler shift method,Yinn-Nien Huang and Kang Cheng, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 53, No. 6/7, P. 619 (1991)
- Periodic behaviours of the ionosphere in South East Asia on storm and quiet days during the May/June SUNDIAL campaign, 1987, G. O. Walker, W. Y. Wong, Yinn-Nien Huang, T. Kikuchi, J. Soegijo, V. Badillo and E. P. Szuszczewicz, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol.53, No. 6/7, P 627 (1991)
- Ionospheric disturbances at the equatorial anomaly crest region during the March 1989 magnetic storms,Yinn-Nien Huang and Kang Cheng, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 96 , No. A8, P. 13953 (1991)
- North-south asymmetry of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly observed in East Asia during the SUNDIAL-87 campaign, G. O. Walker, T. Y. Y. Li, J. Soegijo, T. Kikuchi, Yinn-Nien Huang, V. Badillo, and E. P. Szuszczewicz, , Ann. Geophysicae, Vol. 9, P.393 (1991)
- Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of September 23, 1987, around the equatorial anomaly crest region, Kang Cheng, Yinn-Nien Huang and Sen-Wen Chen, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 97, No. A1, P. 103, (1992)
- Faraday polarization fluctuations associated with amplitude scintillations at Lunping, P. K. Bhuyan, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol.54, No. 7/8, P. 979 (1992)
- Ionospheric disturbances observed during the period of Mount Pinatubo eruptions in June 1991,Kang Cheng and Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 97, No. All. P 16995 (1992)
- The phase relationship between ULF geomagnetic pulsations and HF doppler frequency shift oscillations on March 24, 1991, J. Y. Liu, Yinn-Nien Huang, and F. T. Berkey, Japan, Jour. of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 45, P. 109 (1993)
- Ionospheric disturbances around East Asian region during the 20 October 1989 magnetic storm,Yinn-Nien Huang and Kang Cheng, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 55, No. 7, P. 1009 (1993)
- Lunar components in Lunping scintillations, John R. Koster, Yinn-Nien Huang, H.Y. Lue and Hsi-Shu Wu, U.S.A., Jour. of Geophysical Research, Vol. 98, No. A8, P. 13,751 (1993)
- Prediction of average transionospheric radio propagation delay for the latitudinal zone from 15° to 35° N, Yinn-Nine Huang, U.S.A., in Environmental Effects on Spacecraft Positioning and Trajectories, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.S.A., Geophysical Monograph 73, IUGG Vol. 13, P. 47 (1993)
- Ionospheric observations and research in Taiwan, Yinn-Nien Huang, U.K., in Low-latitude ionospheric physics, COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol. 7, P. 27 (1994)
- Nighttime enhancements in ionospheric electron content: seasonal and solar cycle variation, Sudhir Jain, S. K. Vijay, A. K. Gwal, Yinn-Nien Huang, Germany, Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 13, P. 256 (1995)
- The characteristic variations of the eastward drift velocities of the equatorial plasma bubbles in east asia during high solar activity period, Kang Cheng and Yinn-Nien Huang, Japan, Jour. of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 47, No. 5, P. 431 (1995)
- Ku band ionospheric scintillations observed at Lunping during high solar activity period, Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng, and Sen-Wen Chen, Beijing, Proceeding of 1995 International Conference on Radio Science, P. 541 (1995)
- Solar cycle variations of the total electron content around equatorial anomaly crest region in east asia, Yinn-Nien Huang and Kang Cheng, U.K., Jour. of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 57, No. 12, P. 1503 (1995)
- Ku band ionospheric scintillations observed at Lunping during high solar activity period, Yinn-Nien Huang, Kang Cheng, and Sen-Wen Chen, Proceedings of 1995 International Conference on Radio Science, Beijing (1995)
- Comparing the IRI prediction with the observed equatorial anomaly in the total electron content around 120°E longitude, Kang Cheng, and Yinn-Nien Huang, Adv. Space Res., U.K., Vol. 18, No. 6, P. 249 (1996)
- Dst and SD variations of total electron content around equatorial anomaly crest region, Yinn-Nien Huang, and Kang Cheng, Japan, J. Geomag. Geoelectr. Vol. 48, No. 1, P. 71 (1996)
- Solar cycle variations of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly in total electron content in the asian region, Yinn-Nien Huang, and Kang Cheng, U.S.A., J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 101, No. A11, P. 24,513 (1996)
- Zonal/meridional wind and disturbance dynamo electric field control of the low-latitude ionosphere based on the SUNDIAL/ATLAS-1 Campaign, M. A. Abdu, J. H. A. Sobral, P. Richards, M. M. de Gonzalez, Y. N. Huang, B. M. Reddy, K. Cheng, E. P. Szuszczewicz, and I. S. Batista, U.S.A., J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 101, No. A12, P. 26,697 (1996)